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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 08/19/10
Present: Peter Lamb, Eric Tenney, Barbara Reynolds, Dave Kirkpatrick, Thelma
Nichols, Pat Leonard, Celeste Lunetta and Ron Haggett
Absent: Sam Harding
1: Discussion of the minutes of the January meeting regarding the funding for
Antrim in the Evening. Was the funding only eliminated from the budget or was
the program and the funding eliminated for 2010? Program has taken place and the
consensus was that the funding was not budgeted and that donations could be raised
to support this program.
2: Discussion regarding a test for Mosquito control at Memorial Park for the
Antrim in the evening program. Test did not take place as desired. A motion was
made by Peter and seconded by Barbara to budget and schedule the test for the
summer of 2011 and to move the program time to 6:30 PM to increase attendance.
3: Discussion of the maintenance of the town gym floor by the school district. This
should be done annually but has not been done by Conval for the last 3 or 4 years.
It was agreed to present the problem to the select board through Galen once Celeste
has all the information on costs, maintenance schedules for other gym floors and
method of treatment.
4: Budget items: CIP for 2011 through 2016 due by 9/30 and is an Agenda item for
the 9/9 meeting, GL 2010 budget is on track and the Revolving account has a
surplus of 3 – 4 thousand.
5: Peter raised the question of facility improvements for the beach. Some
discussion followed and it was left as an agenda item for the next meeting. Beach
closing is scheduled for week of 8/23.
6: Celeste asked for approval to spend up to $425 for Soccer items,
-Paint machine for lines
-Portable goals
-Temporary fencing
Funding for this expense to be from the Soccer revenues in the revolving account.
7: Some discussion regarding the installation of a mural in the gym – needs
8: Some discussion of a Lacrosse camp, Dave raised the possibility of a skateboard
program and a discussion of funding followed. Both items need further action.
Submitted by Ron Haggett